• +91 7903821608
  • aatdumka@gmail.com

From The Secretary Desk

Dear friends,

Over two decades we have been endeavouring to bring changes in the lives of our tribal brothers and sisters in the state of Jharkhand. We do not mean saying that changing life is complete transformation of life but our efforts is to always stand with the tribal people and provide them hand holding support so that they would fight for their own rights. Lack of information accessibility has been one of the primary causes why this section of population is still remaining backward.

It gives us immense pleasure and confidence to work more when we compare today’s tribal community with the one that we had started working with 25 years ago and see the changes in their lives. Their transition from ignorant community to informed community, ostracised community to involved community and exploited community to voice raising community have been more spectacular. They have become more organised in terms of raising their problems and advocating for the rights of their own people.

But this is merely the beginning of our journey and there are many milestones to reach ahead. More efforts and dedication is required for complete mainstreaming of our tribal brothers and sisters.

We can visualise that our vision of strengthening tribal community is gradually becoming a reality. We extend our thankfulness to all the people who have supported us, contributed for this cause and guiding us to work with more commitment for the development of tribal community. We also thank every single individual who have come forward to get associated with us and working voluntarily for development of these people. We encourage all the staff and volunteers and stakeholders to work contribute in this mission and help us in creating a better space of development of this neglected and deprived community.

Mrs. Munni Hembram

Ayo Aidari Trust